As a tarot reader, I wish I could give everybody a reading that contains the 10 of Cups, especially as the outcome or future energy they will be working with. It is such a highly auspicious card and one that people always want to see, with a promise of happiness, love, togetherness, and fulfillment.
Even though it is only a minor Arcana, its appearance in a reading elicits hopeful expectation in the same way some major Arcana cards do, as it represents the culmination of a long and arduous journey to love. As a 10, it represents completion and satisfaction, and belonging to the suite of cups speaks of mastery in the complex sphere of emotions and human connections.
The 10 of Cups Keywords and General Associations
The 10 of Cups is a positive omen for success in romantic, emotional, and family endeavors. If I had to sum it up as a reader, I would call it my ‘happy ever after’ card because it suggests a favorable outcome with those you love building a prosperous and rewarding future.
Depending on its placement, this card can indicate that all there is left to do is sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor, surrounded by those you love, in perfect contentment and harmony.
10 of Cups Upright
In the upright position, the 10 of Cups signals your emotional future is secure. Your journey to love has been difficult, but you did it, and now you get to enjoy the reward.
Keywords: Happiness, rewards, togetherness, family life, success in love, divine relationships, harmony, alignment, emotional fulfillment, bliss.
Cups in tarot represent the sphere of heartfelt emotions, the element of water, the heart chakra, and our ability to give and receive love in all its forms. Most tarot readers like myself find love readings are the most frequently requested type of reading, so the 10 of Cups is an excellent card to get, especially upright.
10 of Cups Reversed
In the reverse position, the picture is not as rosy. There could be delays or setbacks, or a need to rethink your plans for the future. There could be disappointment in love or family tension to clear up. I often think of the 10 of Cups reversed as ‘the one that got away’ card as it can indicate a deep bond that never quite materializes into something lasting and stable.
Keywords: Disappointment, setbacks, discord, disagreements, broken promises, misaligned values, disharmony, disillusionment, family tension, separation, lack of teamwork.
Detailed Description of the 10 of Cups Card
In the Rider-Waite-Colman tarot deck, the tarot card 10 of Cups has a picture of the 10 cups arranged as a colorful rainbow above the scene of a happy family consisting of a couple, standing with arms entwined, two joyful children playing, and a house in the background.
Aside from the Ace and 7 of Cups, this is the only cups card where the cups are shown up in the air and not being physically supported. I see this as referencing the divine aspect of this card. Furthermore, that the contentment is not built on material prosperity but spiritual, i.e., that the blessing comes from up above.
Indeed, the imagery on the card confirms this, as the couple has an arm each extended upwards towards the sky as if welcoming in the ethereal blessings and acknowledging they are supported by the divine realm.
Meaning of the 10 of Cups
I see the overall significance of the 10 of Cups as finding your true love and a state of bliss and contentment that lasts long term. It represents emotional fulfillment, free from attachment and codependency, and unconditional love.
When it appears as a person coming towards you, it shows someone who you could have a deep emotional and loving connection with. Be it a romantic or business partner, close friend, or family member. You may start a family together, build a business, or take on a project that will benefit both of you.
In numerology, 10s represent completion, so it may be a partnership or relationship you will grow old in or one that will become a stable part of your future. When we meet a new partner, we have to integrate them into our wider circle and this card suggests it will be a good fit. It could feel like your ‘forever home’, and you may feel your search is over.
Interpretation of the 10 of Cups
The 10 of Cups has different meanings when in the upright or reversed position. These can be quite revealing and give a new understanding of the situation. Cards that are upright usually suggest to me as a reader that you have mastered the energy of the card, and it is flowing in the right direction. With reversed cards, the meaning still applies, but more as a potential. It is as something may be blocking it or causing a delay.
Upright 10 of Cups
Upright, the 10 of Cups always suggests to me that good times are on their way and that life is about to feel rosy and optimistic. It suggests happiness in love and relationships and supportive connections that allow you to flourish.
In your career too, you can expect a favorable outcome when you get the 10 of Cups in your reading. It shows reward for your effort and a feeling of accomplishment and camaraderie where you all get to shine. Positive relationships and teamwork lead to success for everyone, and you will be pleased to be part of this company or organization.
In terms of your personal growth, 10 of Cups suggests you no longer have to go it alone. Others want to be a part of what you are building, as they see the potential for rewards and success. It might be time to join forces with others and see what you can accomplish together. People care about you, so let them in and allow them to help you.
Reversed 10 of Cups
When the 10 of Cups is reversed, the happy energy is off in some way. Perhaps in a love reading, your partner has doubts or might need more time to commit to you and your future together. There could be disagreements or areas of discord, such as whether you both want children or where you will live. You may even be questioning if your relationship has a future.
This could be manifesting as obstacles in your connection, such as a long-distance relationship, or one from vastly different backgrounds. You might have to work extra hard to resolve these and turn your 10 of Cups upright by being extra considerate, compassionate, and forgiving of each other. You might need a frank discussion about where your relationship is headed.
The 10 of Cups reversed doesn’t mean there is no hope, only that the situation needs to be resolved. Perhaps one of you can move closer, or you can compromise on what you’re both seeking. It’s a call to check in that your needs and wants are being heard and met, and that everyone involved in situations is doing their fair share to make it work.
Comparing and contrasting the 10 of Cups with two different court cards
I usually think of the 10 of Cups as meaning a happy home and family life, a stable relationship, shared values, and contentment. It shows up sometimes to urge us to keep going, and not give up on our dream. Other times it confirms that we are on the right path to happiness. It can indicate we have met the right person to build a future with, or grow a family.
To truly understand its meaning, I like to consider the two cards that come before it, the 8 and 9 of Cups. In eight, we are asked to walk away from everything we have invested in up to this point. Realizing that it will not bring us emotional fulfillment. After completing this difficult and painful process, we arrive at nine. Then we finally realize that happiness begins inside of us.
Once we are able to prioritize our own happiness and emotional stability, outside of our intimate relationships with others, as well as walk away from those who don’t see our worth, we are ready. 10 of Cups is where we accept the Ace of Cups (gift of divine love), which, added to the nine we already achieved by ourselves, makes the holy grail of 10.
The 10 of Cups in Specific Readings
The meaning of the 10 of Cups can vary, depending on the type of reading you asked for. It is also dependent on the question you asked, and the card’s position in the spread.
Yes-no readings
In a yes / no reading, especially one such as ‘Does my partner love me?’, the 10 of Cups is an emphatic YES. Representing emotional fulfillment and the culmination of desires, it is a favorable indication of a positive outcome, especially in relationships and family life.
It suggests getting your needs met and being surrounded by love and support,. Even in a career or health reading, it denotes happy times and a supportive environment. For example, if you asked, ‘Will this new job be good for me?’ the answer would be yes. You will feel very content and have a supportive team and colleagues who want to see you shine.
Love readings
For love readings, I find the 10 of Cups a positive indicator of bliss and harmony, suggesting you have met your ultimate partner, one who feels the same way and sees a future for the two of you. If you want to settle down, get married, or have a family, this is one of the best cards to get.
10 of Cups can represent a relationship that has run its course, in some cases. However, I tend to see this as a mutual agreement that it is time to part ways. In this case, there would be no hurt feelings or heartbreak involved. Instead, an agreement to stay friends and adjust the dynamics of the relationship slightly. However, in most cases, it shows a desire to be together.
Work readings
If your inquiry is about work and career, such as a new job or opportunity, the 10 of Cups is a good omen for success and finding a supportive environment where you can feel settled and supported. It suggests teamwork, collaboration, sharing ideas and workload and is a good sign that the move you are considering will work out to your advantage professionally.
Key Card Combinations
It can be helpful to pair tarot cards with other cards to see how they affect the meaning and help us to dig deeper into the nuances of situations. They can provide an extra layer of meaning and understanding that we can’t get by considering them on their own.
Combined with the Two of Cups
Ooh la la! When I see the 10 of Cups together with the 2 of Cups, I just think of heady romance. Two of Cups often indicates a soulmate or divine connection, and 10 of Cups is happily ever after. Seeing them together can indicate moving in together, marriage, or settling into family life.
These two cards go well together in love readings. Especially for questions like ‘Is he/she the one?. I tend to view them as an ‘oh yes’ as the energy suggests long-term love that lasts. Sometimes soulmates come into our lives and touch us deeply. However, they don’t or can’t always stay, leaving us sad and confused about why it didn’t work out. But this time is different.
Combined with the Ten of Swords
When I see this combination as a reader, I think, ‘Oh no, what happened?.’ It’s like it started out perfect then something pulled the rug out, and it ended before it even began. I see it as a brief but intense romantic interlude. It may have provided some temporary pleasure and escape, but couldn’t become something real and solid.
It may indicate that someone got cold feet and allowed fear or insecurity to sabotage the potential for happiness. Or sometimes perhaps it indicates a false promise or future faker, someone who made it sound good but couldn’t deliver when it mattered. Taken together, they can mean an abrupt ending to a harmonious union, disappointment, and even betrayal.
Frequently Asked Questions About the 10 of Cups
Yes, the 10 of Cups in a favorable position is an excellent card for your love life. It indicates romantic compatibility, shared values, and building a secure and happy future together.
It often means disappointment or misaligned values that lead to discord, tension, and disagreements. There may be a lack of partnership or effort in building a future that lasts.
As an outcome, 10 of Cups is one of the best cards, indicating future contentment with the one you love. You may be joining your families into one unit and merging your lives together.
I would say in this position, the potential is there but there may be some work left to do. For example, one of you may have more healing to complete, or need to let go of a past situation.
Conclusion on the 10 of Cups
Every time I see the 10 of Cups in a reading, I am happy for the querant. Excited to tell them about what it means. It’s lovely when a reading has a happy ending, as that’s what everyone wants to see in their future. The 10 of Cups says it is now within reach.
The tarot shows us that the journey to love is not easy, requiring sacrifice, disappointment and cutting ties with the past. Understanding that happiness does not lie with anyone or anything outside of us. It comes from within. None of us get to sidestep or skip these important lessons. Moreover, finding out we have invested time and energy into the wrong situation can be devastating.
So the 10 of Cups is a wonderful card indicating we have finally got it right. That we have reached the culmination of our learning, and now we get to enjoy what we worked so hard to achieve. We can relax when we get the 10 of Cups in a reading, as it suggests happiness, joy, and fulfillment, and promises that the good times are about to begin.
You are free to interpret the 10 of Cups in any way you choose that reflects your dream life. One where you are stable, loved, supported, and content. Envisage your happy ending and begin to manifest it. Let the 10 of Cups bring you to your version of heaven on earth.