I find the Eight of Cups a poignant card, telling a tale of regret, disappointment, walking away, and leaving the past behind. It often represents choices, moments of transition, and having the courage to embrace the unknown.
Opening our hearts to love often involves being true to ourselves. This can come with the sobering realization that we have invested our time, energy, or resources into the wrong people, places, or things. This leaves us facing a stark choice: do we invest more to try and save it, or cut our losses now and move on?
The Eight of Cups is a card of integrity, truth, and finding deeper meaning. It can also symbolize the beginning of a spiritual journey. Moreover, it is about reassessing your priorities and aligning with your True North. It requires you to ask, ‘Where am I headed? Is this still what I want?’
It is part of the Cups suit, representing the realm of feelings and emotions. As a number eight, it carries the vibration of overcoming obstacles, blockages, and barriers to progress and staying true to our dreams. Number eight also represents abundance, so it is a positive card, provided we invest our effort wisely.
The Eight of Cups Keywords and General Associations
The Eight of Cups is a card that signifies change is coming. It represents a moment of transition, where we make important choices and decisions that will affect the future. It can represent a journey, a new location, or simply a change of direction.
Most readers, myself included, tend to view it as a card of walking away and heading towards a higher purpose or sense of fulfillment. It is a positive card, as it represents moving away from stagnation. However, it requires the courage to let go, which can sometimes be hard to do.
In tarot, the suite of cups represents feelings, emotions, and our hearts’ desires. The element is Water, and the cups show how we achieve emotional stability and inner satisfaction. Depending on its placement, this card can indicate that it’s time to take a new path.
Numerology: eight carries the energy of overcoming obstacles, removing barriers, setting goals, achievement, and abundance.
Astrology: eight of Cups relates to 1-10 degrees of Pisces and the Water element. It is ruled by Neptune.
Eight of Cups Upright
In the upright position, the Eight of Cups can indicate that a situation in your life has reached its expiry date. You will know what this is because you might be feeling stagnated, stuck, dissatisfied, or disillusioned. In the Seven of Cups, we have options and choices, so the eight is about facing the impact of the choices we have made.
It doesn’t necessarily mean leaving a relationship, especially a happy one. It may mean leaving behind our own destructive habits, friendships, family members, or even ways of living that no longer serve us. However, our search for truth and authenticity will require us to move on from stagnant, dead-end, or dysfunctional ties, so there is a need to be honest.
Leaving the comfortable security blanket of connections we have built and established is daunting, as it requires a leap of faith into the unknown. Some friendships and associations aren’t meant to stay forever, and sometimes, we have to realize our input isn’t valued or reciprocated as we hoped.
Sometimes, our future happiness lies somewhere else.
Keywords: Walking away, search for truth and meaning, journey, decisions, withdrawal, escapism, new directions, leaving something behind, moving on
Eight of Cups Reversed
In the reverse position, the energy suggests someone who is afraid to let go or allow change into their life. It may represent a person who stays in an unsatisfactory relationship or situation because they are afraid to let go. For example, they might dread being single and re-entering the dating scene or worry they won’t meet someone new.
Keywords: Stagnation, staying stuck, feeling trapped, confusion, not making decisions, not knowing what is best for you, holding on, accepting less, settling, fear of change.
Detailed Description of the Eight of Cups Card
In the Rider-Waite-Colman tarot deck, the tarot card Eight of Cups has a picture of a cloaked figure walking away from eight golden cups that are stacked on the ground. The character has turned their back to the cups, representing their emotional investments up until now.
The cups are stacked so that one appears to be missing, suggesting a feeling of lack. In the distance are mountains, and the figure is headed towards them, indicating it won’t be easy. The river represents their emotions, and the Moon looking down indicates the sense of the unknown.
Meaning of the Eight of Cups
I see the overall significance of the Eight of Cups as a journey or search for greater fulfillment and meaning. It is a card of self-improvement, authenticity, and knowing your self-worth.
Sometimes, we have to make a choice to leave something behind and accept that things just aren’t working out as we hoped. Otherwise, we risk missing out on the blessings up ahead in the 9 of Cups, where we find fulfillment and joy.
The Eight of Cups is a bit like a nagging feeling that ‘this isn’t it’ that won’t go away until we take action. We can ignore the signs, pretend, or avoid facing it all we want, but eventually, we have to admit the truth and move on. The Eight of Cups wants you to have the courage to go after your true happiness and the love you deserve and never settle for less.
Interpretation of the Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups has different meanings when in the upright or reversed position, and these can be quite revealing and give a new understanding of the situation. Cards that are upright usually suggest to me as a reader that you have mastered the energy of the card and it is flowing in the right direction. With reversed cards, the meaning still applies, but more as a potential, as something may be blocking it or causing a delay.
Upright Eight of Cups
Upright, the Eight of Cups is about recognizing when it’s time to call it a day and head in a new direction. It is about untangling yourself from unsatisfying entanglements and creating space for something new in your life. It involves taking responsibility for your own happiness by removing yourself from situations that don’t support your well-being.
As it is an eight card, it suggests this is the end stage of a long journey. It requires wisdom, discretion, self-honesty, and an open heart. There is a need to have faith that it will all work out, and that takes courage.
In career matters, you can expect to be making important decisions when you get the Eight of Cups in your reading. It may be that abundance and reward will come from taking another path, such as a new job or career.
In terms of your personal growth, Eight of Cups suggests you will leave behind any detrimental situations and explore new avenues. You need to spread your wings, and your current situation may be restricting you.
Reversed Eight of Cups
When the Eight of Cups is reversed, there might be a twinge of regret about your choices in the past. You might have acted rashly or felt confused about what to do next. Another possibility is that you could be settling or accepting less than you know you deserve in a situation.
Moreover, may feel torn or worried about the consequences of your decisions. You may not feel ready for change quite yet, though you know it’s on the horizon. You could be making excuses, procrastinating, or finding ways to put off what you know needs to be done.
The Eight of Cups is not a negative card; rather, it represents emotional mastery, wisdom, and freedom. It might feel bumpy initially, but the outcome will be well worth it later. Staying stuck where we are not truly happy doesn’t serve anyone.
It can be hard to walk away from everything we have invested up until now, and that’s why the Eight of Cups feels daunting when it appears in your reading, especially in reverse. Yet, if we don’t, we miss out on true emotional fulfillment and the chance to find something much better.
Comparing and contrasting the Eight of Cups with two different court cards
I usually think of the Eight of Cups as meaning walking away, so whenever I see it paired with the King of Wands, I know that this is a person who is not going to let anything stop them. The King of Wands is strong, assertive, and passionate, so this suggests someone who knows what they want and what they need to do.
King of Wands with the Eight of Cups could be a leader or authority figure, someone confident and dynamic and full of fire. They may be moving away or leaving for pastures new. You might hear of a boss or manager leaving, or this could be you. Perhaps you feel strong and determined and ready to cut ties, move forward, and redefine your life.
Paired with the Knight of Pentacles, the meaning changes. This suggests a new financial opportunity, one that may require you to move away, change location, or explore new horizons. This may require a complete change, but it will provide long-term stability and reward.
The Knight of Pentacles is a slow-moving and steady energy, so the plans you are making will have far-reaching effects. It is a good time to chart your course and check you are headed in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to let go of anything that is not working out.
The Eight of Cups in Specific Readings
The meaning of the Eight of Cups can vary, depending on the type of reading you asked for. It also depends on the question you asked and the card’s position in the spread.
Yes-no readings
In a yes / no reading, especially one such as ‘Should I leave this situation?’ the eight of Cups is a YES. If you asked, ‘Should I stay?’ the answer would be No. It depends on the question asked.
Love readings
For love readings, I find the Eight of Cups often relates to ending a relationship, but it would usually be one that is not fulfilling anymore or meeting your needs. It might be a situation you have outgrown. It can indicate moving toward love in some cases and leaving other relationships in the dust, such as exes or casual affairs. Sometimes, it could indicate someone is leaving you.
Work readings
If your inquiry is about work and career, such as a new job or opportunity, the Eight of Cups is an omen of change and making decisions about the future. It urges you to think about your career trajectory and adjust the course if needed. Make sure you are moving toward what you love.
Key Card Combinations
It can be helpful to pair tarot cards with other cards to see how they affect the meaning and help us to dig deeper into the nuances of situations. They can provide an extra layer of meaning and understanding that we can’t get by considering them on their own.
Combined with the 5 of Swords
When I see the Eight of Cups together with the Five of Swords, I often think of an argument or conflict that causes one of you to walk away. It may be that this is the end of a relationship or that pride or stubbornness is affecting your relationship.
Be careful not to take rash action out of ego or anger. Let the dust settle and see if you can reach an agreement when you are both calm. If this is a business relationship, allow time for the air to clear.
Combined with the Hermit
This combination suggests to me a person who wants to withdraw and spend time in deep introspection and self-analysis. You may be clearing some space in your schedule to kick back and consider your future direction or looking for ways to unwind and de-stress.
The Hermit reminds us that some time alone can be good for us, allowing us to see things from a new perspective. You may be taking a solo journey or undergoing a spiritual awakening. You might feel called to spend some time on self-care or you might just need to slow down and recalibrate your energy.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Eight of Cups
It depends on the question and the card’s position, as it can mean moving on and leaving a relationship behind. However, this is for the best and will lead to something much better.
It can represent staying stuck in a stagnant and unfulfilling relationship or might indicate some regret over leaving a relationship in the recent past. Perhaps you acted rashly.
In career-related questions, Eight of Cups may indicate moving on to a more rewarding job or career path. It can signify choices, decisions, and change, or outgrowing situations.
In this position, the cards say you have done the hard work of moving away from what no longer serves you. You are now free to step onto a new path.
Last Thoughts on the Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups is a card about change. It signifies moving away from old situations and connections that are not meeting your emotional needs.
Change is inevitable from time to time, and the Eight of Cups represents a choice or decision that involves change. It is about moving from one phase of your life to another, a transition to a more fulfilling time ahead. While change is often unsettling, the message of the eight of Cups is to be open to change. Change is necessary and can light the way to a better situation.
With the Eight of Cups, there can be a feeling of limbo, as though you have your back to one life but not quite entrenched in another, as if you are stuck between two worlds. It asks us to move forward with faith, knowing that something better is coming but unable to see it yet.
Let your intuition guide you, and allow your gut to highlight the situations you need to let go of. Take an honest look at what isn’t working, and be brave enough to start over. The Eight of Cups says it will be well worth it and lead you to wish fulfillment.